Yesterday we kicked off Teen Action Camp Volume 1. Cars with license plates from all over the South drove up the gravel driveway to drop their teens off. As campers arrived, they unloaded their luggage, said goodbye to their parents, and headed to their cabins to meet their counselors. Once all the campers had arrived and the bunkbeds were made up for a week of camp, we headed to the Dining Hall for a Long View Ranch classic: taco salad.
After dinner and a round of icebreaker games in the pavilion, we had our Gathering. Jonathan and Abby led worship and then our guest speaker for the week, Step Morgan shared a message from Genesis 50, the end of Joseph’s story in the Bible. Step talked about two great sources of sorrow in life: tragedy and sin, and how there is only one source of true comfort- a loving God. Joseph’s story points forward to a greater hero, who meets us in our sorrow and addresses the source: Jesus.
After Step’s message, Nick told the campers their color teams for the week. They received their red, blue, green, or pink bandanas and then split up into teams. Each team came up with a chant to perform for the rest of camp. After chants, they spread to different corners of the Dining Hall to make their team flag. The Green Beans, Pink Flamingos, Beluga Whales, and Red Robins invested a lot of creative effort designing and painting a flag to wave around camp for the rest of the week.
When the flags were finished, everybody went back to their cabins to do Cabin Time- a devotion with their counselors and cabin mates- before getting ready for bed.

Check-In Crew
