One of the greatest joys of working at camp is building long term relationships with campers. This evening, while the worship team practiced onstage, I sat on a couch and talked to Tessa, one of our Support Staff members. I asked what the highlight of her week has been. She told me how great it is to get to see campers from last year come back to camp.
Tessa worked at Riflery/Archery today, and a camper she remembered from last year was there. She was encouraged to see how much he had grown over the past twelve months. He’s more enthusiastic about activities and attentive during Gatherings. He listens to his counselors and enjoys spending time with them.
Tessa remembers other campers too. She looked forward to having them at camp again and said it’s been special to see them again, a little taller and a year older. She’s loved getting to talk to them and lead them in their activities.
Lots of our other staff members who have worked in the past also remembered campers and have enjoyed getting to see them again.
Long View Ranch gives campers and counselors more than a week of fun and friendship. It builds long-term relationships that allow for continued investment. Campers love getting to see familiar faces, year after year. Staff love getting to see the way the Lord works in their lives. Tessa’s story reminded me of how God works in our lives. Day by day, it might be hard to recognize change. But when we look back a year or five or ten, it is evident how He is continually at work.
